International Conference on ICT Management for Global Competitiveness  and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies - ICTM 2012
17-18 September 2012

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Conference committee
Conference host
Conference programme
Conference proceedings
Discussion panel
ICTM 2012 photo gallery

ICTM 2012 -
- Call For Papers in PDF

Conference location

The conference is hosted at
The College of Management – Edukacja

Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania "Edukacja" (WSZ E),

The Department of Management


Krakowska 56-62 Street

50-425 Wroclaw, Poland

Tel./fax. +48 71 37 72 152
Fax No. +30 210-6202687

University information


The hosts of ICTM 2012, the  The College of Management "Edukacja" (WSZ "Edukacja")  and the Professional Development Center "Edukacja"  (DPC OKiDZ "Edukacja")  have been present in Wroclaw on the educational market since the early nineties. The Professional Development Center founded in 1993 has  helped  about 55 thousand people to gain professional qualifications. The center is also the founder of the The College of Management  “Edukacja”, which for 13 years has been educating economists, journalists, political scientists, computer scientists and specialists in the field of tourism and international relations. Currently, the university runs the following study programs: pedagogy, philology, tourism and recreation, management, journalism and social communication, computer science, international relations and political science. It also has two centers outside Wrocław:  Faculty of Tourism Klodzko and Faculty of Economics in Kepno.

The mission of the College of Management “Edukacja” in Wroclaw is to educate students, provide them with the most actual world knowledge, develop their individual skills, shape the ability of performing a self-dependent research work, develop their creativity, enterprise and responsibility for other people and prepare them for the challenges of the job market of the XXI century. We create equal chances of development and career accomplishment for the students. We prepare the reliably educated and socially responsible workers for the future employers. 

The fruition of the educational mission of the College of Management “Edukacja” is guaranteed by the program of education which allows us to develop the students’ skills in the areas of:

§  humanistic values – giving the students the ability of communicating, team work, management, motivating, creating social relations in the best sense of the word;

§  technical values – enabling to employ the masterly ways and methods to use them in the company’s activity;

§  creative values – creating the indispensable features of the manager in a modern company.

The College of Management Education has been operating for 10 years already and has graduates working as economists, journalists, political, scientists, and experts in the field of tourism and international relations. The College of Management “Edukacja” is the owner of the building 56-62 Krakowska Street in the city center. The school is well equipped with:

§  lecture halls and classrooms

§  well-equipped classrooms for computer science teaching

§  classrooms for teaching professionals

§  student’s club

§  modern library

§  spacious parking lot

There are 119 staff at the University, including 70 academic teachers and 4000 students and every year about 1100 graduates are awarded academic degrees Bachelor (3 years studies) or Master ( 2 year studies).

Read more on the 
university website. 


        Conference venue

        Wroclaw at night

Wrocław - The Market Square